
One thing that always seems to stir up interest is money. As we’ve been travelling we have published a few money related posts and whether they are about making money or spending money you can find them all here.

As always I (Becky) am a little obsessed with the numbers, so here are some facts and figures. This ski trip was a little unusual,…
We spent seven weeks on our trip to Switzerland, leaving on 28th August and returning on 16th October. In the course of our journey we:…
I always like to look back on our trips and work out what they cost us. I think this may feel alien to some, but…
09/03/2023 It’s been a long time since Bertie had a big adventure! When we returned from our two years of travel in 2019 we aimed…
It’s been an odd year to say the least. COVID has certainly curtailed our travel in Bertie the motorhome, but I think I can take…
I have to admit that the F.I.R.E movement had completely passed me by until recently. F.I.R.E stands for Financial Independence; Retire Early and has been…
On the 8th May 2019 it was our second anniversary of moving out of our family home and starting our travels in Bertie the motorhome.…
We have spent the past three months skiing from our motorhome. Now that we have finally packed the skis away it is time to do…
When we think to hard about it we are slightly bemused by our decision to spend a lot of time skiing. Skiing is not a…
When spending in a foreign country there are lots of different factors to consider, exchange rates might vary widely depending on where you change your…
We are now one year into our motorhome life. On the 8th of May 2017 we moved out of our house in Exmouth, our tenants…
This morning Facebook reminded me that I received my formal notice of redundancy a year ago today. Although I had known about my impending redundancy…
As we are now on the continent, we though it might be useful to summarise how we got on with travelling around the UK in…

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