Hair Today

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We were in a campsite, stuck vegetating in Bertie due to rain. The biggest event of the day (and it’s a pretty big event as far as I’m concerned) was that I finally dyed my hair.
I’m not really a high maintenance woman, I don’t get my nails done or eyelashes extended or any of that sort of thing. Last time I went for a spa day I nearly laughed at the beautician when she asked me about my usual ‘routine’ – well I wash my face and apply moisturiser when I remember! It’s not that I have anything against such things, but I don’t want to spend my hard earned dosh on them. My one concession to the beauty industry, the thing that I was willing to spend money on, was a visit to the hairdressers every four weeks to get my hair coloured and hide my ‘sparkles’.
But we’d now been on the road for three months and I hadn’t dyed my hair in all that time. In addition I’d lightened my colour earlier this year and with the sun my hair was now looking a bit of an odd combination. Dark roots with grey patches and ginger ends. Something needed to be done!
I’d bought the home dying kit a few weeks before but wouldn’t countenance using it in Bertie’s bathroom. So this was an ideal opportunity. My hair is back to a uniform dark brown – for a few weeks at least.

Other exciting things that we did to pass the time? Well I also made use of the free wifi and watched the first episode of Channel 4’s Great British Bake Off (Paul was not keen and made me wear headphones), the jury is out on whether the pairing of Sandy and Noel works as well as Mel and Sue, but I like Pru Leith and found it pretty enjoyable. I’ll have to watch some more next time we have good wifi.

Oh and I experimented with frying stuff – well we are in Scotland, but I didn’t go as far as Mars Bars – we decided to try cooking fish and chips. It worked quite well with the fish in batter shallow fried in a frying pan while the chips were more like potato wedges in the oven. As I had batter left over I also made onion rings and courgette fritters, so it was an dinner consisting of the ‘golden’ foods. We added peas and tomato sauce for a bit of colour. I’m sure our arteries will recover at some point. Regardless of the success of this exercise it will be a rare treat as the cleaning up afterwards took some effort.

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