Pets – No longer at Home

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One of the difficult parts of moving out of our house has been saying goodbye to our pets.

Ok – we have the type of pets that don’t really demand much emotional investment – Chickens and Tortoises. But they are still a living part of our life, and not the easiest pets to travel with, so we had to find them new homes.

The Chickens have gone to Paul’s dad, who has a number of Chickens himself (but only one that is laying). So you might think that three extra Chickens who are all in lay would be a welcome addition, but now there are complaints of too many eggs – not something that’s ever bothered us. I just find new ways of cooking them – including Diana Henry’s Pink Pickled Eggs. They weren’t to my taste, but we have a friend who will demolish a few.

Perfectly Pink Pickles

In addition we have heard that our Chickens have established a new pecking order with them firmly at the top – now it’s no longer the two on one that used to happen at ours, but three against the world!

The tortoises have found a foster home with Ang, Tony and their children. I think that Frankie and Jason will do a great job of looking after them alongside all of their other pets. We’ll probably find it difficult to take them back!

Bea and Bob ready for their move

3 thoughts on “Pets – No longer at Home

  1. Mum

    I love that the chickens have finally bonded if only at the expense of their hosts. It could be allegorical ?.

  2. Ang

    Bea and Bob say hi. They miss you but are coping with the weird small-big people who insist on talking to them. ??

    1. Becky Post author

      I’m glad they are getting a bit more company, they must have found life with us quite dull!


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